Eligibility and Grant Limits for Awards
To be eligible to receive a grant from the BWGive Foundation, applicants must meet all the following criteria:
1. Organizations must:
Have a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt designation from the Internal Revenue Service.
Have an annual budget of $999,999 or less.
Be physically located in southeast Pennsylvania.
2. Programs or projects must:
Have at least 70% of its clients benefiting from grant funding represent underrepresented communities of color in southeast Pennsylvania.
Focus on BWGive’s current areas of interest.
3. All applicants must:
Grantees may only submit one application per year. This means that if an applicant is funded any amount in one cycle, they cannot apply for the subsequent cycle. For applicants who are not funded, they may reapply if they meet the requirements of the RFP (i.e., grant recipients from the 2024 grant cycle are not eligible to apply for the 2025 grant cycle).
Ineligible Request​
Black Women Give does NOT fund:
1. Individuals.
2. For-profit businesses.
3. Campaigns to elect public officials or for political or lobbying efforts.
4. Programs that promote religious activities or require adherence to a particular religion.
5. Projects that take place before the completion of the grantmaking process.
6. Projects inconsistent with federal, state, and local nondiscrimination ordinances regarding equal employment opportunity regulations.
7. Grants that ultimately go wholly to another agency other than the applicant (pass-through).
8. Organizations that can levy taxes.
9. Scholarships for books and tuition. BWGive does, however, fund enhancements to scholarship programs that benefit individuals from underrepresented communities of color (e.g., special programming that supports scholarship recipients).
lor (i.e., special programming that supports scholarship recipients).